Learn More about Romana’s Pilates & Classes at LifeSpan Pilates
Lifespan is a Romana’s Pilates studio, meaning our instruction and philosophy are aligned with the True Pilates Method lineage, originally established by Joseph Pilates and further expanded by his protégé, Romana Kryzanowska. Romana’s Pilates differs from modern definitions of the exercise. Through True Pilates, you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body, and then, through proper repetition of its exercises, you gradually and progressively acquire the natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your mental and subconscious activities. True Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, play and work.
Pilates incorporates precise movements that promote flexibility, strength, improved balance and posture. Pilates has been proven a safe and effective method of exercise for more than 80 years when taught and applied properly. Movements can be modified to support various levels of ability and skill. Numerous studies have found that a consistent Pilates practice promotes stress relief, a reduction in chronic pain, improved posture, enhanced endurance and increased muscle tone. Additionally, a regular Pilates practice supports injury prevention, meaning you’re less likely to suffer injury when engaging in vigorous or physically demanding activities.
At LifeSpan, we offer an Adult Gentle Gymnastics system that can introduce, or perhaps reintroduce, gymnastic skills. Our gymnastics classes are small with supportive and nurturing supervision. Learning how to roll to back-bends, handstands and cartwheels safely and with expert coaching and supervision is our specialty. No prior experience is necessary.
When starting Pilates, expect your body to grow stronger and heal, your mind to focus and rejuvenate, and your mood to lift. It is also completely normal to experience muscle fatigue and soreness as these movements may not be familiar to your body. As you build a consistent practice, you’ll experience enhanced mind-body awareness, stress relief, and muscle relaxation without straining your joints.
We recommend practicing 2-3 times per week to maximize your results, develop a consistent routine and ensure you’re on track to reach your goals.
We recommend bringing water with you to class, and arriving well hydrated. Grippy socks are also required.