Romana's Pilates Instructor Certification

Training in Classic Romana’s Pilates

Get Certified To Teach Romana’s Pilates

The Romana’s Pilates Training program is a specialized program that is closely administered and monitored by authorized Romana’s Pilates Level Instructors. Contact us to find out about how to join the Romana’s Pilates Certification Program.

Candidates for Romana’s Pilates Certification must be at an intermediate Pilates level.

The process:

01 | Initial Assessment

The initial assessment performed to determine acceptance into the program. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency at the intermediate level on all key pieces of Pilates equipment and apparatus.

02 | Basic Seminar

Independent Study, Private Lessons, Testing (practical and written)​.

03 | Intermediate Seminar

Independent Study, Private Lessons, Testing (practical and written)​.

04 | Advanced Seminar

Independent Study, Private Lessons, Testing (practical and written)​.